Hire Young Tech Talent

Grow your team by hiring high-potential young developers.


Build your developer talent pipeline with CodeSpace.

Are you looking for a talented young developer to join your team? You can bring on CodeSpace graduates into entry-level developer positions. CodeSpace graduates are equipped with fullstack JavaScript skills and are ready to start adding value to your team. You can hire CodeSpace graduates into entry level JavaScript developer roles, as well as software testing, and operations roles. Simply list available entry-level positions and we will connect you to suitable candidates that you can screen and interview.

Our coding programs prepare graduates for the real world of tech.

To complete our core Software Development program, a CodeSpace graduate spends over 500 hours developing their coding and software development skills. Many of our graduates then choose to expand their skills through one of our 350-hour Engineering specialisation programs.

Above and beyond technical skills, every CodeSpace graduate is trained with 21st Century skills. These soft skills are crucial in preparing them to be well-rounded and active participants in any tech team. We teach our graduates the vital skill of learning how to learn to ensure that their education does not stop at graduation but that they continue to grow and expand their knowledge throughout their careers.

At CodeSpace, it is not only what we teach but HOW we teach that prepares our graduates to enter the tech industry seamlessly. We place a strong emphasis on simulating workplace experience. Our online teaching format replicates a remote work environment, while our co-learning space emulates a tech startup and teaches graduates how to work alongside their future colleagues.

  • Tech skills: Git, Github, HTML, CSS, JavaScript language, structuring JavaScript, JavaScript frameworks, debugging code, refactoring code.
  • Learning & Career skills: Communication in a remote environment, time management, ability to learn independently, peer programming, peer code review, pseudocode & logic diagrams, online collaboration tools.

200+ companies hire CodeSpace graduates

One Day Logo
Momentum Metro Logo
Capitec Logo
Aerobotics Logo
Yoco Logo
Wunderman Thompson Logo
Swipe iX Logo
Superbalist Logo
Sanlam Logo
Peach Payment Logo
Digi Logo
Digilink Logo
Flexperto Logo
GenEx Logo
HashData Logo
Yellowtail Logo
Woolworths Logo
Valenture Institute
Ucook Logo
Specno Logo
PayFast Logo
Nextstep Digital Logo
Monetise Logo
Limabean Logo
Kurtosys Logo
Isoflow Logo
Amazon Logo
Condeka Logo
One Day Logo
Momentum Metro Logo
Capitec Logo
Aerobotics Logo
Yoco Logo
Wunderman Thompson Logo
Swipe iX Logo
Superbalist Logo
Sanlam Logo
Peach Payment Logo
Digi Logo
Digilink Logo
Flexperto Logo
GenEx Logo
HashData Logo
Yellowtail Logo
Woolworths Logo
Valenture Institute
Ucook Logo
Specno Logo
PayFast Logo
Nextstep Digital Logo
Monetise Logo
Limabean Logo
Kurtosys Logo
Isoflow Logo
Amazon Logo
Condeka Logo

List your job opportunity with us.

Looking for a dynamic developer, qualified QA tester, or innovative intern to join your team? You can list your available job opportunities on our employment database.

You can list roles such as Developer, Tester, Operations, or Support.

Our graduates range from entry-level to up to 36 months of experience. So feel free to list internships to mid-level roles.

Get matched with our top graduates.

Once you have listed your employment opportunity, we will match you with candidates who meet your requirements.

You can start the application process directly with the candidates, or we can facilitate interviews for you.

We host monthly Code Conversations events for our student and graduate community. These events are a great way to get your company in front of them. You can choose to sponsor an event, have a team member participate in a panel discussion, or simply attend the event to meet our students and graduates in a more relaxed environment.

Pay the recruitment fees.

We charge a recruitment fee of R5450 for recruiting candidates through our graduate database, payable upon the candidate's acceptance of an offer. If you retain the candidate beyond 90 days of employment, a placement fee of R8250 is payable.

The main reason we provide this employment service is to ensure that our brilliant graduates find fulfilling careers in tech. The revenue generated from this service goes directly to support our non-profit programme, which provides financing to young black developers who show programming aptitude but require financial assistance to enrol in our courses.

Receive ongoing support.

We provide continued support for every CodeSpace graduate over the first 1000 days of their tech career.

Once you hire a graduate from CodeSpace, we can assist you with the onboarding process. We will ensure that your new hire arrives on time for the first day confident to tackle the challenges of their new job. During their first three months of probation, we will check in monthly with our graduates to ensure they are succeeding in their roles and offer any necessary support.

As an employer, you are always able to request our assistance in designing effective pathways for junior talent.

We did it. They said it.

"We felt supported through the hiring process"

We sourced quality candidates through CodeSpace's quick and easy hiring process. We received fantastic support from their team whenever we needed it.

Mohara Ventures

"I got a job in less than a week!"

I studied Software Development part-time for 9 months at CodeSpace. The course prepared me really well to apply for jobs! In fact, I landed my tech job less than a week after graduating!

Ruan V, Graduate

"We’ve hired through CodeSpace for years"

Over the past 5 years, we have offered internships to CodeSpace graduates. Each time we have found more than enough suitable candidates who we have placed in permanent positions in our business once they have completed their internship. The coaching and support offered by CodeSpace to the candidates prepare them to add value to the work environment quickly

Peach Payments

"I felt prepared to enter the workplace"

I got a job one week after graduating! Through CodeSpace, I was paired with a career professional who prepared me for the workplace, and a career coach who helped me put together a portfolio of evidential output and prepare for my interviews. I got an interview through CodeSpace's employer network and aced it!

 Karabo R, Graduate
Google Image


4.89/5 Read reviews

Course Report Image

Course report

4.9/5 Read reviews

Career Karma Image

Career Karma

4.6/5 Read reviews

Career Karma Image


4.98/5 Read reviews

Awarded "Best Coding Education Institution in South Africa"

CodeSpace graduates are diverse, skilled, and industry-ready.

At CodeSpace, our primary purpose is to create a pathway for talented young South Africans of all backgrounds to enter high-growth employment in the tech industry. We equip our graduates with the in-demand skills the industry is after, a code portfolio to showcase those skills, and career coaching to help prepare them for the world of work.

CodeSpace graduates have a 91% employment rate and have started their careers in some of the most exciting tech companies in South Africa, including Superbalist, Yoco and Peach Payments.

Our ultimate goal is to see our graduates enjoying thriving careers, earning well, and continuously growing their skills and knowledge.