Who are the candidates?
Current candidates have completed a 6 month, full-time Web Development course. The course taught learners programming principles and how to create modern websites using a range of languages and frameworks. Learners also learnt how to work effectively in a team, how to communicate in the modern workplace and how to use collaboration tools.
The course is run Monday to Friday on a full-time basis so as to prepare learners for the demands of the tech industry.
Learners also learnt the most important skill needed in the 21st Century, namely the ability to keep on learning and to stay updated with changing trends in technology.
The learners are now eager to add value to companies and to sharpen their skills in the workplace.
What do I need to offer to host an intern?
Interns are seeking opportunities to launch their careers in tech-related companies. All interns are able to enter web development roles, but are also able to take on related roles that offer learning and development within the tech space.
All interns need to receive a basic stipend of no less than R2000/month for a minimum period of 6 months. After this time, there is no obligation to retain interns as a full-time employees, but we are happy to share that this is the most common story! There is no fee for taking on an intern for the 6 month period.
What have interns learnt?
Interns have learnt about web development with a specialisation in one of the following stacks:
-PHP + MySQL and building dynamic web applications
-JavaScript, its libraries and building responsive web applications
The course also equips interns with the following industry skills
-Collaboration ( Git, Slack )
-Effective digital communication
What salary are interns after?
A basic stipend of no less than R2000/month however companies are free to pay their interns more.
Are you a recruitment agency?
Nope. We are the individuals who run the Academy, create the curriculum and teach the learners.
Tell me more about the structure of the CodeSpace program?
CodeSpace Academy focuses equipping individuals with industry-specific skills - from handy tools such as Slack and Github, to structuring their program to mimic the day to day of working in industry: a good balance of mentorship from senior (lecturers) coupled with self-directing learning and practical application when they are required to complete projects (at least 3 completed during their program).
How is this program different?
CodeSpace believes that individuals need to be taught how to “learn, unlearn and relearn” in order for them to remain relevant in a rapidly changing tech landscape. Beyond the industry relevant curriculum that CodeSpace teaches, interns foster learning methodologies during the course which empower them to continuously self-learn after the course. The course is highly practical and graduates do daily coding challenges and submit multiple projects throughout their course.
What does the day in the life of a student look like?
Early Morning - Students arrive at campus and continue their coding challenges and do daily industry readings Mornings - Students join in a 2 hour lecture by an industry professional
Early afternoon - Students work on their coding projects and are assisted by a code coach
Late afternoon - Students go through professional development classes and receive feedback on their progress
Can we retain an intern after their internship?
Many companies find that CodeSpace interns are adding value to their business and wish for them to remain after their 6 month internships. Companies can make permanent offers to the interns and negotiate one on one with them. If an intern does remain after the initial 6 month internship then a placement fee is due (this fee goes towards covering their tuition costs and towards future training for new learners).
If we already have an internship program in place that is longer than 6 months (e.g. 12 months), would CodeSpace interns still be interested?
Yes, 6 months is generally a good length for an internship but can be extended. For a longer internship, we encourage a salary and role review at the end of a 6 month period.
What did the students cover in the JavaScript specialisation?
Students start out their journey learning how to create responsive websites with compliant HTML & CSS. They then embark on a deep dive into the JavaScript language and its applications.
Instead of focusing on a specific framework/library like React, Angular, Vue, Express etc, students are rather given a strong foundation on which to build once they enter industry.
All of the content is taught with practical applications in mind and challenges/projects are given throughout.
Some of the lessons and modules include:
Command line commands
Intro to JavaScript Concepts
JS Syntax
Variables: var, let and const
Declaring Variables: var
Declaring Variables: let, const
Declaring Variables: Arrays
Accessing Elements
JavaScript Functions
Writing a Function
Responding to a Click
Changing Website Content
JavaScript Styling
Conditional Statements
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
DRY Programming
Intro to Methods
Object Literals
Adding a Method to an Object
Understanding this
Understanding this : Dynamic
Understanding this : Changing this
ES6 Arrow Functions
ES6 For Loop
ES6 Rest & Destructuring
ES6 Template Literals
ES6 Classes
ES6 Promises
jQuery Basics
Working with API's
Restful API
Structuring Restful URLs
HTTP Methods
CRUD applications
Rest Responses
Make an API Request
Testing an API
What did the students cover in the PHP specialisation?
Students start out their journey learning how to create responsive websites with compliant HTML & CSS. They then embark on a deep dive into the PHP language and its applications.
Students learn to build functional and interactive websites using PHP. They are then introduced to MySQL and are taught how to link it to PHP, to allow their websites to store user data. They are also given a basic foundation in Object Oriented Programming, which will help them when they enter industry.